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ETD Contacts

ETD Contacts

Sr No Designation Name STD Code Telephone No. Mobile No. Email
1 Hon'ble Chief Minister Sh. Sukhvinder Singh 177 2625400 cm-hp[at]nic[dot]in
2 Principal Secretary(ST&E) Sh. Devesh Kumar, IAS 177 2620625 etcsecy-hp[at]nic[dot]in
3 Spl. Secretary (ST & E) Sh. Harbrans Brascon 177 2622132
4 Section Officer Sh. Arun Sharma 177 2880410
5 Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise(HQ) Dr. Yunus, IAS 177 2621835 etc-hp[at]nic[dot]in
6 Addl. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise (Admn./ HAS)(HQ) Sh. Nishant Kumar 177 2621635 addl.admn[at]mailhptax[dot]gov[dot]in
7 Addl. Commissioner of State Taxes AND Excise(AT / AAGST / VAT)(HQ) Vacant 177 2629837
8 Addl. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise (IT)(HQ) Sh. Ravinder Kumar 177 2628518 addl-ittau[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
9 Addl. Commissioner of State Taxes AND Excise(GST / TAU / EIU)(HQ) Sh. Rakesh Sharma 177 2627557 94184 -66511 rakesh.sharma[at]mailhptax[dot]gov[dot]in
10 Addl. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise (D/Excise) Dr. Rajeev Dogra 177 2629837 70182 -97077 rajeev.dogra[at]mailhptax[dot]gov[dot]in
11 Jt. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise(EIU) Sh. Kulbhushan Gautam 177 70188-45686 gautam.kulbhushan[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
12 Jt. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise (TAU) Sh. Kubhushan Gautam 177 70188-45686 gautam.kulbhushan[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
13 Jt. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise (AT) Ms. Tashi Katoch 177 2621267 82194 -38455 jcste-excise[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
14 Addl. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise(HQ) Ms. Mamta Mishra 177 93188 76599
15 Dy. CST&E (TAU/HQ) Ms. Vasundhara Sharma 177 98054 -55980 dcstehq-tau[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
16 Dy. Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise(Legal)(HQ) Ms. Ritu Malik 177 2621267 94180 -84006
17 ACST&E (GST Cell/HQ) Sh. Gopal Dass Dogra 177 2621451 94180-78333 asstcom-gst[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
18 ACST&E(24x7 Helpdesk/GST/HQ) Sh. Santosh Kumar 177 2621451 94186 -44017 asstcom2-gst[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
19 ACST&E(GST Cell)(HQ) Sh. Gopal Dass Dogra 177 2621451 94180 -78333 asstcom-gst[at]hp[dot]gov[dot]in
20 ACST&E (EIU/HQ) Sh. Praveen Kumar 177 89884-94974