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Order No. Date of Issue Subject English Version Hindi Version
11-09-2018 Regarding withdrawing power of Proper Officer
08-06-2018 Revised Procedure and Guidelines- Anti Profiteering
15-05-2018 Issue related to taxability of tenancy rights under GST
25-04-2018 Procedure for interception of conveyances for inspection of goods in movement, and detention, release and confiscation of such goods and conveyances reg.
25-04-2018 Clarification regarding procedure for recovery of arrears under the existing law and reversal of inadmissible input tax credit-reg.
03-02-2018 Manual filing and processing of refund claims on account of inverted duty structure, deemed exports and excess balance in electronic cash ledger -reg.
03-02-2018 Procedure regarding procurement of supplies of Goods from DTA by Export Oriented Unit Electronic Park Unit Software Technology Park Unit/Bio Technology Parks (BTP) unit under deemed export benefits under section 147 of HPGST Act, 2017-reg.
17-01-2018 Manual filing and processing of refund claims in respect of zero-rated supplies reg
28-10-2017 Regarding Composition Scheme