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Notification No Date of Issue Subject Download (English Version) Download (Hindi Version)
26-05-2016 Advance Ruling
28-03-2016 e-declaration in Form VAT-XXVI shall be compulsory before the dispatch of taxable goods worth Rs.30,000/
18-03-2016 Amendments in Schedule-II for entry tax
04-01-2016 CPC notification and implication
10-11-2015 Notifications regarding Entry Tax for Industrial Units & Preassessment
01-10-2015 Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Excise and Taxation Officer in the Department of Excise and Taxation Himachal Pradesh
30-09-2015 Provisional Seniority List of ETOs
19-08-2015 Corrigendum
18-08-2015 Transfers for Junior Assistants.
31-07-2015 Notification regarding change in rate of tax of diesel petrol and ATF